Puss in Boots

Theaterstück in englischer Sprache

for children starting at the age of 4

fairytale by the Brothers Grimm

Jack is not well. His father, the miller, has died, which is already very sad on its own. But the mill and strong donkey have been given to his brothers and Jack has inherited only a tomcat. But "Purr" is a very special tomcat: he can talk, sing and dance! And he promises Jack that he doesn't have to worry about his future anymore. Purr wants to take matters into his own hands; however, he would definitely need a pair of boots. And off they go.

Purr, now Puss in Boots, catches partridges, the king's favorite food, and then tells everyone it is the gift from his master, Count John. He persuades the peasants to liefor him that all the fields belong to his master.Now Jack needs beautiful clothes. He also gets them by a trick of Purr. The last thing the cat needs to do is get his master a castle. There is a castle nearby, but it belongs to the evil wizard Marlos. If Purr should also manage tooutwit the wizard, Jack would certainly be allowed to marry the beautiful princess.

Will they succeed? Put on your boots, come along and find out!


Online Tickets oder telefonisch
an der Theaterkasse 089 /59 54 54
Geeignet ab 4 Jahren
Dauer: ca. 1:50 Std. inkl. Pause

Schauspieler*innen: Emily Heidenreich, Bianca Monseler, Fabian Gailler, Emil Tanner
Inszenierung: Michael Tasche
Musik: Bastian Pusch
Choreografie: Eva-Maria Hamm
Kostüme: Grete von Schley
Maske: Sandra Eggener
Bühnenbild: A. Daniel
Fotos: MTFK

15:00 Uhr
Puss in Boots
Theaterstück in englischer Sprache

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